monthly writing schedule

January: Voice of the Juniper Tree
Goal at the end of the month: 40k
Current word-count: 28,788
Approximately 11k words need to be written from now to the end of January.

February: Voice of the Juniper Tree
Goal at the end of the month: 50k
Approximately 10k words need to be written from the end of January to the end of February.

March: Short Stories
Two or three short stories would be great if I manage that many.

April: Research and Development for Color it Right, Snapshots of the Lifeless One, and Voice of the Juniper Tree
This month will be spent preparing for big school things, so it’s fitting that I spend it preparing for my stories as well. Since it won’t require actually writing anything except notes, I can focus more easily on school.

May: Short Stories
This is the month I’ll need to focus even more extremely on school, so just one short story out of this month should be enough.

June: Color it Right
Current word-count: 13803
Goal at the end of the month: 25000
Approximately 11k words need to be written from the end of May to the end of June.
Since this’ll be the beginning of summer, I should have enough time for writing if I spend the time properly . . . although summer tends to be the time for procrastinating anything and everything because there’s no school to worry about.

July: Color it Right
Goal at the end of the month: 40000
Approximately 15k words need to be written from the end of June to the end of July.

August: Color it Right
Goal at the end of the month: 60000
Approximately 20k words need to be written from the end of July to the end of August.

September: Begin Editing Voice of the Juniper Tree
School will have started by now so I won’t be focusing on writing as intensely as in the summer.

October: Continue Editing Voice of the Juniper Tree
Same as September.

November: NaNoWriMo
To fit with my resolutions, I’ll have to have finished a novel before November so that I can start a new one. My goal is probably going to be around 35k, but that’s undecided.

December: Research/Planning/Development/etc. for Anything
Since I don’t know how NaNo’s going to go and whether I’ll finish whatever I write in that month, this month is really vague so that it can account for whatever I end up doing.


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